Monday, January 11, 2016

School break days

School Break Days

Something that I did over the break was go to the chill event and visited the Queen Marry that same day. As well during that time I happened to get my work for the break from Mr.Solis. I then went to a field trip to Pasadena with Mr. Solis and got to explore many things. I got to go to the Norton Simon museum where i got to see many forms of arts and got to learn the history form it. My next stop was to go eat at a Chinese Buffet where the food was amazing. I manage to eat than the whole group itself. Then I got to go see the old town of Pasadena where i visited a comic book store and bought some souvenirs for myself. My trip next takes me to the theater where i got to finally see the new star wars movie it was amazing just perfect pacing from where the movie left off and as well to end it off i got to go the place called meregune where there Cuban was simply delicious. The days came by and I was training. I was training myself for the 18 miler I had coming up. When the day came I did excellent expect the ending where I got a cramp on my left butt cheeked. Overall this break was something for me as I usually don't do much during the breaks expect play video games.