Monday, September 28, 2015

Way To Be

9 Ways to be Happy and Make something of your Life

Gordon B. Hinckley
1. Be Grateful

P: To be grateful is not that hard to do. It could be simple as caring for someone when they are sick or giving some help in any sort of way. If not can be grateful take charge and be that grateful person. Its a gift to find someone thats grateful and always there for you. Never be afraid to say thanks to that one person that's always been grateful to you. 

Elizabeth Edward

2. Be Smart
P:To be smart is something that everyone can be. The goal is to surpass being smart and enter a whole new level of intelligence . This is a good thing to strive for because of the fact that you will be needed more and have a better chance at the future. the truth not everyone can be smart because of the fact not everyone has access to information or schools. This is why it is not not to be a smart person. 

"A smart man makes a mistake, learns from it, and never makes that mistake again. But a wise man finds a smart man and learns from him how to avoid the mistake altogether."

-Roy H. Williams

3. Be Involved In Good Works 

Doing good for something is always the way to go. This shows how involved you are. By demonstrating this it shows that you are a careful person. It also shows that you believe in good works. Doing good works do not always have to be hard work. It can be simply as working with cities community. Be involved will help out in the future. This will be good for college as it shows you can be good with others. Always try to be involved in good works. It will pay out later in the long run of ones life.

The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today.
-Elbert Hubbard

4. Be Clean 

Be clean with one another. We been told since we were small to be clean. What meaning did it have? was it just to be clean in general, to dress appropriately, or to have clean language. What ever the case is it is always good to be clean. This will show how well you are and how your in a in a situation of work. It will always help on future events that require to be clean. Like having a clean record and no troubles with the police force. Always do the best to be clean. 
Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world.
-George Bernard Shaw

I will apply this new way by not getting in trouble by the law. Also keep myself clean each and every other day. Another way that i will keep myself clean is to dress sharp and be good looking everyday. 

5. Be True

Be true is a trait that is hard to find now a days . It is a trait that everyone looks for in a person. It show that the person knows what he is capable of. The fact the most people are not truthful is the reason there is trust issues in this world. Everyone who is true is the person that most likely to be chosen. It shows they are dedicated to whatever they are doing. Its good to be true to everyone around you. Most people would have the truth to them than a lie. this good and then you can be trusted with anything. Always be truthful to the end with the principles given. 

"Be true to the game, because the game will be true to you. If you try to shortcut the game, then the game will shortcut you. If you put forth the effort, good things will be bestowed upon you. That's truly about the game, and in some ways that's about life too."

-Michael Jordan

6. Be Positive

Being positive is something that everyone should be doing. Its not a matter of forcing yourself but always believing that things will get better. It also true that being positive helps your own health and brings more years into your life than shaving it.This plays an important role as it helps with the fact this is needed in every aspect of our days. most people will try to be negative with you to bring you down. The fact that this happens is petrifying. This also goes to show that you yourself have to bring the positive attitude in people life. This can make the difference in anyone life. You must have the dignity to be a positive man every day. This will get you far seeming if you do it well. 

"I truly believe that everything that we do and everyone that we meet is put in our path for a purpose. There are no accidents; we're all teachers - if we're willing to pay attention to the lessons we learn, trust our positive instincts and not be afraid to take risks or wait for some miracle to come knocking at our door."
-Marla Gibbs

7. Be Humble 

To be humble is a trait that everyone should have. Humble a bow is a saying that people should follow. This will do them good in life as they will gain respect from others. The fact your are humble to others is the reason you will get connection. These connections will get you into to places that normal other wise would not be able to. Always try to be humble with others. This will lay the foundation to a trust that person and see how they are. if you are not humble things will get ugly really quick and it just horrible to go through that route. Never ever disrespect someone because that is not being humbled at all. Be humble and the path to connections will open up to you.  

"I think everybody has ups and downs in their lives. We learn from the biggest disappointments, right? You learn how to be humble to yourself and to be humble to others."
-Carolina Kostner

8. Be Still
To be still is like an act of survival or it can waiting in line for something or it can something as just staying still. The fact that people do this shows respect. This is respect for the people that chose to something over something bigger. These people are known to be still people.the fact the that they do this is amazing and i give my respect to them.People should be like this. The more people that act like the more respect they will get. Everyone should follow how sandy did it the former pitcher of the LA dodgers. He did the right thing and honor his religion. He is a man of respect and dignity.  

So the darkness shall be the light, and the stillness the dancing.

T. S. Eliot

9. Be Prayerful 

Overall Reflection

 These nine ways the Gordon talked about were something alright. it made me think in ways different ways overall. I got different points on life and see life differently than I usually did. What some the things that Gordon had something are pretty accurate. Most people do not follow these steps and tend to be say.... behind in terms of values. This is overall was a great experience that showed different ways to interpret life as we know it.

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