Friday, January 22, 2016

7 Habits

1.Be Proactive
 "Habit is the key to unlocking all the others habits and that's why it comes first. It says, "I am the captain of my life. I can choose my attitude. I'm responsible for my own happiness or unhappiness. I am in the driver's seat of my destiny, not just a passenger."

2. Begin with the end in mind 
"Control your own destiny or someone else will." (Jack Welch)

The fact that most people let themselves get there minds brain wash by others is sad. They would go do the stupid even though its not right.That is ignorance that gets people killed, arrested, hurt, or even others around them. Then after all that "stuff" they were doing they have the audacity to say we didn't know or I didn't know. This is why you yourself should make the choices to crave the path to what you want to be or achieved. The people that do not begin with the end product are the ones that are usually begin told whatever to do. They will follow through with instructions like trying to get a individual mad, starting something up with someone else for no reason, These are most dangerous people to meet because they will almost anything to keep a path open by someone that has lead them on that path. Always create a destiny that you will be remember for. Don't go out there and have someone else control you!  

"You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life."

-Steve Jobs

3.Put First Things First

"Organize and execute around "priorities"
What is the first that comes to mind when something needs to be done? Usually most people tend to time there activities or schedule it. Most people that I know tend to put there things that they have to do first as one of the last things to do. That is something that is rub off and many more do it like because of the other activities. They put the things that can be taken care of after the importance of  an assignment or work. This something people should not do but keep continue doing which will eventually lead to there suffering and sorrow. In the first place put those things first always and do them first always. These what they call Priorities! Most people have and others well.... strive to get them. In the end all that really matters the work put into and how long it took to finish.

"In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can."
-Nikos Kazantzakis

Habit 4: Think-Think or No Deal

In many situations there is usually a win win or a win lose or a lose lose situations. Its our job to go for the most beneficial one. There is no point on getting a deal that wont help you in anyway shape or form. This is a matter of facts and truth be told some people take lose-lose situations because of the benefits that actually come with it. The fact the people will go as far to lose in return gain something even better is something. This is how the real world works. They always going on about what choices they should make and what values come with it. People need to understand the world wont be waiting for them. They need to get up on there feet and start searching for the best and possible opportunities. No man or woman shall go to life and lead themselves to failure they must reach a win-win situation.


Habit 5: Seek First to understand , then to be Understood
"Diagnose before you prescribe."

Always try to understand what others are going through than yourself the reason is that people always are in need of help. These type of people are the people that are the most sincere. People need to need to understand this that is key. Those that do not understand this concept will never ever be understood. Those that do get it will seek-out more friends and be able to understand one another equally on a level of sensitivity. it just like a doctor when he checks you for symptoms. After that he prescribes the medicine needed to treat your body.  This is what it means to Diagnose before prescribing. Understanding one and another hand to hand experience is key here. Always seek first to understand than to be understood. 

"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek."

-Barack Obama

Habit 6: Synergize
"The whole is greater than the sum of its part(1+1=3)"

 People need to know what a good synergy can do to you and a team member. This can bring out loads of team work and other secrets. This a major to finding the best chemistry. A synergy can help bring out the true power of a double to four v four battle. Just like in the game Mortal kombat Smoke and Noob and perfect candidates for an example of synergy. This Duo works miraculous and is a duo to be on the lookout for. This is also goes to show that nothing can be done alone no matter how much is accomplish you will need some help at some point. Look for the one bond to help build up the chemistry. Once that is done you will be set and just then move from experience there on.  

"I truly believe in positive synergy, that your positive mindset gives you a more hopeful outlook, and belief that you can do something great means you will do something great."

-Russell Wilson

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
Four Dimensions of Self- renewal: Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social/Emotional

What does it mean to sharpen the saw. It means to be prepare and know whats coming to have a easy time. This will give further enhances of how to proceed with the way things are with. It will pass on light and will show what will happen if the saw is sharpen the way its suppose to be. Is suppose only those capable to sharpen anything at will be the one that get through life like it was butter.These principals will always apply with one another Self- renewal: Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social/Emotional. Those cannot be escaped from. Sharp the saw and the way to you will be a sharp one!

Reflection: Overall this was a helpful guiding light into what humans can do. Humans have the ability to do almost anything. It's just decided in the mind what they capabilities are.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Three Fundamental Techniques in Handling People

Technique 1: Don't Criticize, condemn or complain

"If you want to gather honey, don't kick over the beehive."

The way to start handling people is there and there. to but willing to take it. To have the patience and to be willing to go through it. Don't ever tell them off it will make it worse. Only under special conditions may it happen. Be willing to go far for them and don't be stubborn to them. Acknowledge them a lot. Show that it by actions and as well . This is one way to handle people. Gather all the honey!

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do."
Benjamin Franklin

Technique 2: Give honest and sincere appreciation
"The big secret in dealing with people"

People that give you the appreciation are the people that should be kept closer. Those are the ones that will help you through out your life. Like DJ Khaled says they don't want you win. Those people just cut them off. they are the bad fruit the tree cut them off make the sacrifice. This will help gradually build trust with them and be able to tell them certain things that you wouldn't with others. People will always try to bring you down and those people need to be there for you. The key success is to key is to keep those true friends with you all the time. Always keep a good smile with others. And always be a true person not a snake like today's standards are portrayed.


"Build me a son, O Lord, who will be strong enough to know when he is weak, and brave enough to face himself when he is afraid, one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat, and humble and gentle in victory."
Douglas MacArthur

Technique 3:Arouse in the other person an eager want.
"He who can do this has the whole world with him. He who cannot, walks a lonely walk.

Its true the person that can do is has hands over you. You pretty much go under there spell. There are many people that can achieve this but they have to know the other two techniques first. Try your best to get others arouse in a way that you can help them become a better person and always become a self assessed person. People will never reach this goal truly because everyone has the tip of it handed down but never achieved fully. Make them fell like they need you Make them feel they have to keep you and have that eager sensation. This is the way to becoming a puppet master. its true where you like it or not. You pull the strings of a person that wants to be eager all to be with you or the fact that you need them. 

"What I needed most was to love and to be loved, eager to be caught. Happily I wrapped those painful bonds around me; and sure enough, I would be lashed with the red-hot pokers or jealousy, by suspicions and fear, by burst of anger and quarrels."

-Saint Augustine

Final Reflection
What I think about these three techniques are the fact that I will be able to actually assess myself with these techniques. Its the way how the game is played makes it look how you are as a person. You can be the nicest person on the block but if you cant keep a shady profile everyone will be weary of you. Know how to play and success will come surely to you. Being able to have the Patience to keep up with a person that is always obnoxious is something not many people can do even if they say they can. This will surely get you up in the stages of life quicker than usually. People that are aroused known to come back quicker to you and want more of it.People will always be better at something than you. Its our job to assess our selves and make our self a better individual.

School break days

School Break Days

Something that I did over the break was go to the chill event and visited the Queen Marry that same day. As well during that time I happened to get my work for the break from Mr.Solis. I then went to a field trip to Pasadena with Mr. Solis and got to explore many things. I got to go to the Norton Simon museum where i got to see many forms of arts and got to learn the history form it. My next stop was to go eat at a Chinese Buffet where the food was amazing. I manage to eat than the whole group itself. Then I got to go see the old town of Pasadena where i visited a comic book store and bought some souvenirs for myself. My trip next takes me to the theater where i got to finally see the new star wars movie it was amazing just perfect pacing from where the movie left off and as well to end it off i got to go the place called meregune where there Cuban was simply delicious. The days came by and I was training. I was training myself for the 18 miler I had coming up. When the day came I did excellent expect the ending where I got a cramp on my left butt cheeked. Overall this break was something for me as I usually don't do much during the breaks expect play video games.