Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Becoming Your Best The 12 Principles of Highly Successful Leaders

Becoming Your Best
1.Be True to Character
Be true to what you want to be. Do not be the person that wears a mask to hide there self. Even if society is putting you down people that became their true self are people that are known in throughout the country or through the world. Stick to the words that you feel best with to bring out that courage. Everyone's character is always different from another even though there are some similar aspects like 5% in everyone in reality everyone is genuinely different. Everyone has a role to play or destiny to follow and they crave that path themselves. Just like Naruto he craved his own path with the help of people that he made friends with. He stayed true to what he called his " Ninja Way" and ended up being the peoples hero. He stayed true to his character. 
 "Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved." 
-Helen Keller

2.Use Your Imagination
An imagination is something everyone haves and uses exponentially when they are children. This imagination gets take away as a result of entering adult hood. Everything becomes more serious and more gloomy. Then eventually reality hits them and they do not have even 10% of their imagination to use about. This makes us no different than a computer program that does nothing but and shows no creativity what so ever. Someone that utilizes the brain to the max and is able to become creative are those people that have made a name for themselves or standout. A Pirate captain by the name Monkey D. Luffy makes use of his brain by making new moves that will aid him in combat. He is not the very brightest but he does not lack creativity. The way he defeat crocodile and was able to put down a man way out of his league. This something that 2% percent of pirates can do!

"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere."
- Albert Einstein

4.Never Give Up
Never Give up is a phrase that you will hear over and over throughout your lifetime. Its true never give up and still don't! You do not know how close the road is or how close you are to achieving your goals.The fact remains that this saying will be heard the most in sports as you are competing to enter in finals, the finals themselves, or the or start off good.  Never giving up is highly important. If everyone gave up once they hit a roadblock we would have what we have today. Technology as a whole probably would not exist since it a complicated task to invent things. Someone that teaches to not give up is the son of a dragon Nastu Dragneel. He is the embodiment to not give up. He is the reason and the life of other people. He shows his guild to keep fighting till you drop dead.
"We know our weakness. Now what will we do?
We'll get stronger! We'll get up and fight!" - Nastu Dragneel

7. Build and Maintain Trust

Building and maintaining are two different fundamental ideas that can be expressed through the nature of one's ability. A relationship that is being built will take and energy to have it a well structured foundation. Producing this strong foundation will show what you are made out of. The after building the a staircase of trust the next thing is to maintain it. As a fellow human being that has trust maintained and destroyed, truth be told trust comes a long away. Anything can happen in a span of a day. The outcome is most likely something that you do not want. That being said you will pretty much be an assassin that comes and destroys peoples hearts. A lone man/woman that has no bounds or feelings for those around you. a motionless figure just doing its job and ruining other lives.

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none." 
-William Shakespeare

9. Lead with Vision

A vision, a scene where ones dreams turns into reality. A vision is portray by many that want to leave something behind. Creating something amazing that changes the way the world works is the work of a visionary. Having a vision is not that easy it needs to come with creative and aw aspiring ideas from others. While not everyone's vision can be done alone if there is someone else out there that can help you with the same vision that both have in mind. A leader cannot be a leader is he has no way of leading  others to whatever he is thinking of. Thus being said in life you must have some type of vision to keep moving forward and be able to back down from it.  

"The empires of the future are empires of the mind."
— Winston Churchill

10.Mange with a Plan

Have a plan of action to go, a backup plan, a backup plan for the backup plan. You overall need to have a plan to get somewhere. If there is no plan it would be an aimless journey. Leaving everything base on luck is not the way to go. Sure it might bring good luck but it can also bring bad luck to others. “Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.” – Stephen Covey here has the right mind set to make it in life. He has that attitude and a plan to go far and beyond and if he is ever stuck he just needs to come up with another plan. 

11. Do what matters most.
Quote:" What matters is to live in the present, live now, for every moment is now. It is your thoughts and acts of the moment that create your future. The outline of your future path already exists, for you created its pattern by your past."
- Sai Baba
:What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lives within us.  If we do things that are not important to our lives then we are not living to our full potential. If we change this and do everything that is important then we will be able to do things that matter the most to ourselves and in return show others that we get things done and in an orderly way. No matter how you look at it you got to persist to do greater. In a situation that that decides what to do knowing both sides of the spectrum you got to look how the true nature of what is important through the gut, mind, and heart. Even when a side thinks they are correct there will be someone looking and saying its wrong and stand up for what's right.

12. Being Accountable 

This is something that others look for within someone else. People like people that they can account for. If you are expected to be something and you are able to meet those expectations then you are an accountable person. To me being accountable also means that others can count on you for things that they might not be able to count on with someone else. You want others to be able to count on you because that means that they trust you enough to entrust something with you. Being accountable is not just a plus for everyone else, it is also a plus for you. Being accountable is the backbone to creating a strong positive character. It will lead you to developing new characteristics that you never thought that you would have. Finding out that you are accountable will lead you to new discoveries about yourself. If you are able to meet someone else’s standards then you should be able to meet you own standards as well. Although, I am not endorsing that you should work towards becoming someone that you are not in order to meet the social standard.

"We are accountable for our actions as we exercise our moral agency. If we understand this principle and make righteous choices, our lives will be blessed."
-L. Lionel Kendrick

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