Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Ten Tips Being more Truthful

The Ten Tips
  1. Make a commitment to tell the truth.
  2. Tell someone about your commitment
In the world that we live in currently in the 21st century we have many people that are not trust worthy or a snake in the grass. This is what we are facing everyday when we decided to tell a friend something that our selves trust them with. Everyone loves that they get told the truth, some can't handle the truth, and others prefers lies over the truth. Someone that is commitment to their or truths is something most people put there pride. A man that always stayed true to his belief Zeno Zoldyck. He is the former head assassin of the Zoldyck family and believe to do his job without hurting any innocent people. He takes pride in doing what he does even for his age he is still considered one of the strongest humans out there. 

“If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.” 
― Mark Twain

3. Think before you give a dishonest answer, explanation, sarcasm, or reason. 

 Do people think before they act, do they feel, do they have a soul. Most of the times bad things that happen are because people do not think and that.  This a reason that happens in a relationship when one or the other is not happy. Even people give time to think it is usually not the same because it can go two way. It can go to a much more dishonest lie or it can be tone down but still be dishonest. Someone that shows this a lot is Hiskoa and Illumi because of their behaviors and particularly Ilumi who has a habit of thinking out loud and saying things without any source of consequences. It does not matter because they can back it up with their strength. These characters are prime examples of dishonesty.

4. Be careful of when and how you use exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony. 
Careful eh? To be careful when expressing ones intentions or ones bluffs is something to analysis at. When someone goes and say things like I feel so insane I can murder 100 people right now and it would not faze me. It stuff like that people getting clocked in the face for or brutally injured. To be careful is one thing but to use it in the field as an advantage. This can truly help to win over someone's mind. This can be used as a useful tactics to gain leverage over an enemy that relies on their mind. The one that does this is the former captain of the Usopp pirates, Usopp himself. Since he does not have the physical strength to back it up he uses his brain and sniping skills to take down his opponents. He is known as the Sniper King, God Usopp,  and the King of Liars! Even with all these titles he is still the trust worthy sinper that the straw pirates can rely on.

       "I do not think it is an exaggeration to say history is largely a history of inflation, usually inflation's engineered by governments for the gain of governments." 
-Friedrich August von Hayek
5. Be Careful not to twist the truth or leave put part of it.
People that twist either work for the government or they are just cruel people that do it for whatever their motive is. These people are deal with everyday some succeed some fail from seeing the truth. People are that are like this are to be watched out for and deemed to be evil at least in my book. A city where people get all along, not critics, and no violence. We call this Rapture! Rapture is not own by one, no says the man from Montana, no says the man form the eastern sides, no says the man that works 12 hours a day in the office. No! Rapture belongs to all that and to you! Rapture is a place where truths are truths and lies are lies. No truths will be twisted and be left out. This is Rapture!

Andrew Ryan:"I am Andrew Ryan, and I'm here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? 'No!' says the man in Washington, 'It belongs to the poor.' 'No!' says the man in the Vatican, 'It belongs to God.' 'No!' says the man in Moscow, 'It belongs to everyone.' I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture, a city where the artist would not fear the censor, where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality, Where the great would not be constrained by the small! And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city as well."

6.Don't indulge in little white lies

Many people indulge in this to save them from there feelings and want them to be happy. On the opposite end of the spectrum the one is in indulge in these little white lies might feel depressed or not morally feeling good. It happens all the time with men and women alike. They do what they can to keep their loved ones happy even if it cost them. A man named Joel eventually went down this path. He had a little girl that had the cure to the disease that engulfed the whole world. Joel went on a journey with her to escort to the group known as the fireflies that was suppose to take her in. What Joel did not know in return it would kill her and Joel did not want that as he got attach to her like a father and daughter relationship he could of have before her real daughter died. Joel was overcome by these lies and went on betraying the fireflies and went to saving Ellie and went to live with his brother on a ranch.

7. Silent Lies

A silent lie is the worst lie because you already know it! They cannot do anything about it. The flip, twists, and turns are all gone from these silent lies. At rates where people could simply figure out when someone is lying by not saying anything are people that should be watch out for. To them there are the greatest enemy and as well there biggest weakness is being exposed. No one loves to expose one another unless there is a reason for it or a motive. When there are reasons or motive better believe that there is going to be lots of lying and backstabbing others to achieve their goal. One king that followed was the ant king. He would kill his own loyal subordinates. He had no attachments to them and would carry out his plan as he pleases. He would back to back to get where he wants to beat.
8. When you catch yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse

The first major breakthrough in becoming an honest person is being able to catch your lies. This can prove to be more than difficult if you were already a chronic liar. But now that you can catch your lies, what do you do once you have caught them? Well what you do is stop that lie right in its trail. Do not let lies develop. Build a stronger character by building an honest character. Be honest with others and with yourself.

“The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.”                        -John F. Kennedy

9. Talk to yourself

No one know yous better than yourself. You are what knows what is best for you! You cannot let other people intervene with your to create something they deemed to be great in their books. You must overcome the fear and give some thought about and talk to yourself about the situation. What has been arising, the solutions, and the process to handle it. All it takes is a couple of minutes to talk to yourself. It is an self assessment to you only and what you know about yourself. A man Sabo has lost his memory due to an incident. A whole 14 years he did not have a recollection of his memory. He talked to himself and tried remembering what had he done in the past. The sad part that he did recover his memory but in one of the worst ways ever. He remembered it through the death of his brother Protogas D. Ace. He collapsed and went in shock but he eventually woke up and talked to himself about it. He is now the 2 in command of the revolution army.

10. Treat yourself when you tell the truth
What comes to mind when you tell the truth? Happiness, regret, sadness, maybe silence. When it comes to telling the truth treat your self with it. The goodness and the weight coming off from chest or shoulders of someone. Get yourself a ice cream, buy a game, go out with friends. Most do not tell the truth either they live with it with no effect or living life where the cannot contain it and its spiritually killing them self.  Just like a shinobi of the leaf village that caused him to shift views. The ninja sauske that was the brother of itachi and part of the uchia clan. His brother murder his whole clan, mother and father, and only spared him. He lived his whole life to seek revenge against brother and the leaf for making his brother do this. He lived the rest of his life in a lie,

Reflection REFLECTION 

The 10 tips for being more truthful has benefit me in many ways. It has help me stop lying. It also made me realize that every lie is bad no matter if it’s the smallest lie it’s still bad. The 10 tips for being more truthful have showed me how to become a better person. I’m applying every tip to my life because every tip is important and valuable. This is making a huge difference in my life because I have seen that lying is bad and this has made me into a better person. I would incorporate every tip to my life planning goals by making sure that every goal I write that i will accomplish it.

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