Monday, November 16, 2015

Six Ways to Make People Like you. If you want people to like you.........

1.Become Genuinely Interested in Other People

In this world people will like you or keep interest in you if you do the same to them. People in this world are always keeping up withe there agenda. If you are not in that agenda then you are not a interest to them. To Keep friends now a days you have to show them that you care and you will drop whatever you doing just for them. This shows how much you care for them and then in the long run hope they do the same to you. If they do not do the same for you we a special word these type of people " Snakes". These snakes we avoid as much as we can. We do not need people that act like a snake and instead settle for a group of small people that will stay with us.  This is why we show interest to others. We do what we can to keep them by our sides till the end or when they pass away in a morbid but enough of they are our friends. 

  "If you want to know the taste of a pear, you must change the pear by eating it yourself. If you want to know the theory and methods of revolution, you must take part in revolution. All genuine knowledge originates in direct experience".
-Mao Zedong

1) "Actions speak louder than words, and a smile says, "I like you. You make me happy. I am glad to see you."
2) "You don't feel like smiling? Then force yourself to smile."
3) "It creates happiness in the home, fosters good will in a business, and is the countersign (witness or indication) of friends."

The fact a smile can make someones day even if you are not having a good one. The people in this world need to learn how to genuinely smile with others. Now a days people smile and there smile is a fake smile. You can see it in there eyes as they try to give you the smile and you cant help but fell bad for them. Even a fake smile can fool those around us and make them happy to see them smile. It just the way the world works people smile to not keep others from smiling.  Always try to smile to make other feel comfortable with you . Never try to make a person feel bad about themselves. actions will always speak louder than words and that is a fact! 

3. Remember Names

1) "A man's name is to him the sweetest and most important sound in any language."
2) "If you don't remember names, you are headed for trouble."

Remember names is something that people should do. Who knows maybe someday in the future someone will remember you when you have succeeded in life. A name is powerful and can bring fear or joy. People that don't remember names are people that don't succeeded. Remembering names is a key to building up a strong relationships with other people that will help grow you in the future.  Always remember names it can help you one day or save your life. Imagine something great you did but no one remember you. That would honestly suck and the feeling will so out whack. Always try the best to remember everyone names. Who knows even your name can be talked about if you leave a lasting impression. 

"No more tears...but always in pain...forget everything but remember my name..."
- Shiv Adhikari 
How to remember names:
  1. Keep in touch
  2. write them down
  3. associate 
  4.  Choose to care
  5. Make connections

4.Be a Good Listener: Encourage others to talk about themselves 
" If you aspire to be a good conversationalist, be an attentive listener." 
"Remember that the man you are talking to is a hundred times more interested in himself and his wants and his problems than he is in you and your problems. 

Always be a good listener to others when the chance is given. Never be that type of person that will ignore others. Being a good listener has its perks. Like listening to what they have to say and remembering what they told you. This also shows that they like to share what they have to offer to us as a whole. But also to remember people always like to be self center most times even if they don't know it they just do it. If that is the case just remember that to be a good listener to them. Never ignore them and try to be helpful to them in any way. Let others express themselves and share what knowledge they have acquired. Always be the best at the skill that will help you in your life more than anything else. 

Rule 5: Talk in terms of the other man's interest.

"The royal road to a man's heart is to talk to him about the things he treasures most."

The roads are many and different every time. People need first to study the man ways. People do not always know the road they are going through and it can end they way to a man's heart.  Every road will always end with a different result. The trick here that you must keep asking and asking what is important to them . No matter what you do keep asking and do not stop asking.  That is the way to a mans heart . Never doubt yourself and be high spirited to keep the vibe going. Then everything will be crystal clear. Always strive for greatness.  

Rule 6: Make the other person feel important--and do it sincerely.

"The desire to be important is the deepest urge in human nature." (John Dewey)"Helping people feel important and appreciated works magic."
People like to be loved and that is a fact. They like to be loved in a way where it has meaning to it and where it doesn't have meaning at all.People will always try to love one another but without consequence. There will always be suffering involved, sadness, grief. There will always be happy times, moments to remember, and the moments you will love best. These are the moments that people stay around for. No matter what the case is the person will like each other still as a one.  This is what John Dewey knows best to do. Everyone will always strive to go for this no matter the case it may be. This a way to keep your peers love not any love love that comes with a meaning. 

Overall Reflection 
 The posts showing the six ways to make people will like you. These ways are something everyone should take the time to do once in a while. Everyone can applies to this in a way. Everyone can make someone fell comfort and important to them. People do it all the time in relationships. The fact this isn't new means there is no excuse to make yourself a better person. You have to make yourself a better person if you want to get somewhere in life and as well be able to talk to people with no problem. Like being a good listener is something everyone should always be doing. No matter what the case may be. Just start listening to one another. Try to always apply what the rules have to offer. Do the rules and the rules will do you good!

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