Thursday, May 26, 2016

Memorial Day

Memorial Day
-A day on which those who died in active military service are remembered, traditionally observed on May 30 but now officially observed on the last Monday in May.

- A way to show respect for the fallen during active duty is go pay respect them at a memorial.
-Another way is to spend time with a veteran and show them around the world.

A few things that I will do on memorial day is spend time with my buddies before they go get shipped to the marine and army, just like Josue he is gone already to infantry for the army and it does really suck to not have them around while they go do their services. I want to spend as much time with them before they go off to a base or across the country.  May they come back in one piece ;).

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Becoming Your Best The 12 Principles of Highly Successful Leaders

Becoming Your Best
1.Be True to Character
Be true to what you want to be. Do not be the person that wears a mask to hide there self. Even if society is putting you down people that became their true self are people that are known in throughout the country or through the world. Stick to the words that you feel best with to bring out that courage. Everyone's character is always different from another even though there are some similar aspects like 5% in everyone in reality everyone is genuinely different. Everyone has a role to play or destiny to follow and they crave that path themselves. Just like Naruto he craved his own path with the help of people that he made friends with. He stayed true to what he called his " Ninja Way" and ended up being the peoples hero. He stayed true to his character. 
 "Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved." 
-Helen Keller

2.Use Your Imagination
An imagination is something everyone haves and uses exponentially when they are children. This imagination gets take away as a result of entering adult hood. Everything becomes more serious and more gloomy. Then eventually reality hits them and they do not have even 10% of their imagination to use about. This makes us no different than a computer program that does nothing but and shows no creativity what so ever. Someone that utilizes the brain to the max and is able to become creative are those people that have made a name for themselves or standout. A Pirate captain by the name Monkey D. Luffy makes use of his brain by making new moves that will aid him in combat. He is not the very brightest but he does not lack creativity. The way he defeat crocodile and was able to put down a man way out of his league. This something that 2% percent of pirates can do!

"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere."
- Albert Einstein

4.Never Give Up
Never Give up is a phrase that you will hear over and over throughout your lifetime. Its true never give up and still don't! You do not know how close the road is or how close you are to achieving your goals.The fact remains that this saying will be heard the most in sports as you are competing to enter in finals, the finals themselves, or the or start off good.  Never giving up is highly important. If everyone gave up once they hit a roadblock we would have what we have today. Technology as a whole probably would not exist since it a complicated task to invent things. Someone that teaches to not give up is the son of a dragon Nastu Dragneel. He is the embodiment to not give up. He is the reason and the life of other people. He shows his guild to keep fighting till you drop dead.
"We know our weakness. Now what will we do?
We'll get stronger! We'll get up and fight!" - Nastu Dragneel

7. Build and Maintain Trust

Building and maintaining are two different fundamental ideas that can be expressed through the nature of one's ability. A relationship that is being built will take and energy to have it a well structured foundation. Producing this strong foundation will show what you are made out of. The after building the a staircase of trust the next thing is to maintain it. As a fellow human being that has trust maintained and destroyed, truth be told trust comes a long away. Anything can happen in a span of a day. The outcome is most likely something that you do not want. That being said you will pretty much be an assassin that comes and destroys peoples hearts. A lone man/woman that has no bounds or feelings for those around you. a motionless figure just doing its job and ruining other lives.

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none." 
-William Shakespeare

9. Lead with Vision

A vision, a scene where ones dreams turns into reality. A vision is portray by many that want to leave something behind. Creating something amazing that changes the way the world works is the work of a visionary. Having a vision is not that easy it needs to come with creative and aw aspiring ideas from others. While not everyone's vision can be done alone if there is someone else out there that can help you with the same vision that both have in mind. A leader cannot be a leader is he has no way of leading  others to whatever he is thinking of. Thus being said in life you must have some type of vision to keep moving forward and be able to back down from it.  

"The empires of the future are empires of the mind."
— Winston Churchill

10.Mange with a Plan

Have a plan of action to go, a backup plan, a backup plan for the backup plan. You overall need to have a plan to get somewhere. If there is no plan it would be an aimless journey. Leaving everything base on luck is not the way to go. Sure it might bring good luck but it can also bring bad luck to others. “Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.” – Stephen Covey here has the right mind set to make it in life. He has that attitude and a plan to go far and beyond and if he is ever stuck he just needs to come up with another plan. 

11. Do what matters most.
Quote:" What matters is to live in the present, live now, for every moment is now. It is your thoughts and acts of the moment that create your future. The outline of your future path already exists, for you created its pattern by your past."
- Sai Baba
:What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lives within us.  If we do things that are not important to our lives then we are not living to our full potential. If we change this and do everything that is important then we will be able to do things that matter the most to ourselves and in return show others that we get things done and in an orderly way. No matter how you look at it you got to persist to do greater. In a situation that that decides what to do knowing both sides of the spectrum you got to look how the true nature of what is important through the gut, mind, and heart. Even when a side thinks they are correct there will be someone looking and saying its wrong and stand up for what's right.

12. Being Accountable 

This is something that others look for within someone else. People like people that they can account for. If you are expected to be something and you are able to meet those expectations then you are an accountable person. To me being accountable also means that others can count on you for things that they might not be able to count on with someone else. You want others to be able to count on you because that means that they trust you enough to entrust something with you. Being accountable is not just a plus for everyone else, it is also a plus for you. Being accountable is the backbone to creating a strong positive character. It will lead you to developing new characteristics that you never thought that you would have. Finding out that you are accountable will lead you to new discoveries about yourself. If you are able to meet someone else’s standards then you should be able to meet you own standards as well. Although, I am not endorsing that you should work towards becoming someone that you are not in order to meet the social standard.

"We are accountable for our actions as we exercise our moral agency. If we understand this principle and make righteous choices, our lives will be blessed."
-L. Lionel Kendrick

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Ten Tips Being more Truthful

The Ten Tips
  1. Make a commitment to tell the truth.
  2. Tell someone about your commitment
In the world that we live in currently in the 21st century we have many people that are not trust worthy or a snake in the grass. This is what we are facing everyday when we decided to tell a friend something that our selves trust them with. Everyone loves that they get told the truth, some can't handle the truth, and others prefers lies over the truth. Someone that is commitment to their or truths is something most people put there pride. A man that always stayed true to his belief Zeno Zoldyck. He is the former head assassin of the Zoldyck family and believe to do his job without hurting any innocent people. He takes pride in doing what he does even for his age he is still considered one of the strongest humans out there. 

“If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.” 
― Mark Twain

3. Think before you give a dishonest answer, explanation, sarcasm, or reason. 

 Do people think before they act, do they feel, do they have a soul. Most of the times bad things that happen are because people do not think and that.  This a reason that happens in a relationship when one or the other is not happy. Even people give time to think it is usually not the same because it can go two way. It can go to a much more dishonest lie or it can be tone down but still be dishonest. Someone that shows this a lot is Hiskoa and Illumi because of their behaviors and particularly Ilumi who has a habit of thinking out loud and saying things without any source of consequences. It does not matter because they can back it up with their strength. These characters are prime examples of dishonesty.

4. Be careful of when and how you use exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony. 
Careful eh? To be careful when expressing ones intentions or ones bluffs is something to analysis at. When someone goes and say things like I feel so insane I can murder 100 people right now and it would not faze me. It stuff like that people getting clocked in the face for or brutally injured. To be careful is one thing but to use it in the field as an advantage. This can truly help to win over someone's mind. This can be used as a useful tactics to gain leverage over an enemy that relies on their mind. The one that does this is the former captain of the Usopp pirates, Usopp himself. Since he does not have the physical strength to back it up he uses his brain and sniping skills to take down his opponents. He is known as the Sniper King, God Usopp,  and the King of Liars! Even with all these titles he is still the trust worthy sinper that the straw pirates can rely on.

       "I do not think it is an exaggeration to say history is largely a history of inflation, usually inflation's engineered by governments for the gain of governments." 
-Friedrich August von Hayek
5. Be Careful not to twist the truth or leave put part of it.
People that twist either work for the government or they are just cruel people that do it for whatever their motive is. These people are deal with everyday some succeed some fail from seeing the truth. People are that are like this are to be watched out for and deemed to be evil at least in my book. A city where people get all along, not critics, and no violence. We call this Rapture! Rapture is not own by one, no says the man from Montana, no says the man form the eastern sides, no says the man that works 12 hours a day in the office. No! Rapture belongs to all that and to you! Rapture is a place where truths are truths and lies are lies. No truths will be twisted and be left out. This is Rapture!

Andrew Ryan:"I am Andrew Ryan, and I'm here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? 'No!' says the man in Washington, 'It belongs to the poor.' 'No!' says the man in the Vatican, 'It belongs to God.' 'No!' says the man in Moscow, 'It belongs to everyone.' I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture, a city where the artist would not fear the censor, where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality, Where the great would not be constrained by the small! And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city as well."

6.Don't indulge in little white lies

Many people indulge in this to save them from there feelings and want them to be happy. On the opposite end of the spectrum the one is in indulge in these little white lies might feel depressed or not morally feeling good. It happens all the time with men and women alike. They do what they can to keep their loved ones happy even if it cost them. A man named Joel eventually went down this path. He had a little girl that had the cure to the disease that engulfed the whole world. Joel went on a journey with her to escort to the group known as the fireflies that was suppose to take her in. What Joel did not know in return it would kill her and Joel did not want that as he got attach to her like a father and daughter relationship he could of have before her real daughter died. Joel was overcome by these lies and went on betraying the fireflies and went to saving Ellie and went to live with his brother on a ranch.

7. Silent Lies

A silent lie is the worst lie because you already know it! They cannot do anything about it. The flip, twists, and turns are all gone from these silent lies. At rates where people could simply figure out when someone is lying by not saying anything are people that should be watch out for. To them there are the greatest enemy and as well there biggest weakness is being exposed. No one loves to expose one another unless there is a reason for it or a motive. When there are reasons or motive better believe that there is going to be lots of lying and backstabbing others to achieve their goal. One king that followed was the ant king. He would kill his own loyal subordinates. He had no attachments to them and would carry out his plan as he pleases. He would back to back to get where he wants to beat.
8. When you catch yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse

The first major breakthrough in becoming an honest person is being able to catch your lies. This can prove to be more than difficult if you were already a chronic liar. But now that you can catch your lies, what do you do once you have caught them? Well what you do is stop that lie right in its trail. Do not let lies develop. Build a stronger character by building an honest character. Be honest with others and with yourself.

“The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.”                        -John F. Kennedy

9. Talk to yourself

No one know yous better than yourself. You are what knows what is best for you! You cannot let other people intervene with your to create something they deemed to be great in their books. You must overcome the fear and give some thought about and talk to yourself about the situation. What has been arising, the solutions, and the process to handle it. All it takes is a couple of minutes to talk to yourself. It is an self assessment to you only and what you know about yourself. A man Sabo has lost his memory due to an incident. A whole 14 years he did not have a recollection of his memory. He talked to himself and tried remembering what had he done in the past. The sad part that he did recover his memory but in one of the worst ways ever. He remembered it through the death of his brother Protogas D. Ace. He collapsed and went in shock but he eventually woke up and talked to himself about it. He is now the 2 in command of the revolution army.

10. Treat yourself when you tell the truth
What comes to mind when you tell the truth? Happiness, regret, sadness, maybe silence. When it comes to telling the truth treat your self with it. The goodness and the weight coming off from chest or shoulders of someone. Get yourself a ice cream, buy a game, go out with friends. Most do not tell the truth either they live with it with no effect or living life where the cannot contain it and its spiritually killing them self.  Just like a shinobi of the leaf village that caused him to shift views. The ninja sauske that was the brother of itachi and part of the uchia clan. His brother murder his whole clan, mother and father, and only spared him. He lived his whole life to seek revenge against brother and the leaf for making his brother do this. He lived the rest of his life in a lie,

Reflection REFLECTION 

The 10 tips for being more truthful has benefit me in many ways. It has help me stop lying. It also made me realize that every lie is bad no matter if it’s the smallest lie it’s still bad. The 10 tips for being more truthful have showed me how to become a better person. I’m applying every tip to my life because every tip is important and valuable. This is making a huge difference in my life because I have seen that lying is bad and this has made me into a better person. I would incorporate every tip to my life planning goals by making sure that every goal I write that i will accomplish it.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

How the Internet Works

Internet 101 
The internet has many possibilities to get more advanced each day, But the stuff we have now is amazing too! The internet is fast like light speed fast as it goes through its conductors and through other conductors through the bottom of the ocean. Just in case it does not go through conductors it can go through light, radio waves, and through satellite. The send stuff to another computer all it simply needs is a IP address of the other computer! just most websites there is coding involved and how that coding is done is by all means different. It could be binary, hexadecimal, or some type of new software that one just made up.All this are done bu things call algorithms that are a sequence of steps to create a end product. There so much about the internet that there can be a whole library just explaining the internet.

Friday, February 26, 2016

10 Keys to Success

10 Keys to Personal Power

Key 1: Clarity
"Have vision. Determine what you want to be, do or have in life. Have a sense of direction and know where you're going. If you do not have specific goals in life, you are doomed forever to work for others who do."

Its a pretty concept that any one can handle really. It sprung from the desire of something. Something they want to own or have in life so there life can feel a little more completed. just like most people desire to make money to get the things they want. Or it can be as simple as trying to be the best at something. Or there ambition to be better what they do whether they be good or bad. Those are the people that have the clarity. They know what they want and they will work for it no matter the cost...will some might work around it to get the same end result. For example the man named Hisoka is a world class Magician but a murder at the same time that strives to hunt the strongest opponents. He meets to fellow kids that want that have caught his attention through there vast potential they have. This a example of his clarity and also a not so good one. In the end he has his own form of goals.  


Key 2: Competence
"If you commit to excellence opportunities will always come your way. The harder you work, the better you get."

work work work is something people need to know is and will always be better than raw natural talent. You can have someone who is skill at kung fu and be natural at it but if they do not out in the work they will get eventually outclass. Take example the name that everyone knows. Bruce Lee was a man that worked hard and kept at it day and night. Determination does not happen over night people. Bruce Lee set his mind and stayed committed to what he did and became a world class martial artist beating the best of the best. Any one and i mean anyone can be amazing if they have the competence to do it so. As stated before in the last key just like hisoka was a world class murder we have a kid named Gon that is trying his best to become strong as a hunter and to be able to see his dad named Ging. This boy was a natural but as well he put in the work to also improve upon himself. Competence will be a make it or break it for some people in the world but its ultimately up to the individual if they follow through.

Key 3: Concentration 
"Make the best use use of your time. Ask yourself"Is this best use of my time?" before you start anything."

This statement is true as it gets. I myself do have this concept handle pretty well for the reason because I know what is good for my time. Other times I do not know how to use my time wisely like other people that have their life in a better pace than me. Concentration is key to what you will do in life. If you lose concentration of what you are doing most likely you are going to do horrible and make yourself look downright stupid. Focus your time into what you are doing and everyday try to get better at it. Just like killua for hunter x hunter he trained since he was a baby boy to become the next head of the zoldyck family. He was left alone ton train in the tower of heaven. Over 200 floors to make through, with each floor having stronger opponents. Doing this require concentration as it took two years to make it through the two floors but in the end he came out stronger than before. This is Concentration!

Key 5: 
"Expect the fact that every human being is a genius. The hall mark of creativity is asking questions. The people who are most creative ask the most questions."

Everyone is a genius, almost everyone is average, almost everyone do not ask those questions. To attain knowledge you must first ask those that came before you. To be creative learn from the past and incorporate new ideas with it. Learn things that many people do not know about or talk a language that is really outdated. Be those few that will stand out in the crowd. Information is worth so much people do not notice it. Information can lead one to another if mislead. It can also help people solve a problem, case, or mystery. Attaining all of this one must ask himself first what do I want to know and study upon about. Every answer leads to another question and every question leads to a answer. One that does well and has very good insight is no other than Nico Robin. Her vast knowledge of reading ancient texts and asking questions shows her creativity and how one can grow.

Key 6: Consideration 

"The quality of your relationships with other people will determine your success in life."
"Develop the people skills you need to become a better communicator. Take courses in listening speaking, etc."
"If you were to learn on new word a day, within 5 years, you'll be the best educated person in history."

Having consideration is always important no matter what you think. It will come back to you in the end as good karma because you a thought about them. People have to understand when you are considerate to others it they will do the same. One good example of this is Monkey D. Luffy of the Straw Hat Pirates. He always puts himself last when it comes to his friends or crewmates. He knows what it takes to be considerate first hand. He went as far as to oppose the world government just to save back a friend. He is one of few that have a heart surprisingly as a Pirate Captain. Gon is another person that puts his life on the line and wants to show his pride and determination. He want as to put a pact and restriction on himself to save a friend.

Key 7: Consistency 
"Dependable, steady predictable work is always superior to fast spurts of work."

Be consistent in your relationships, your family, friends, your boss, your work. Be the person that people can depend upon. That if you say you'll do something you do it."

Consistency is no rare to find id that person has a schedule and can work that schedule with others to be on top. That individual knows what needs to be done and stays true to his/her word. In today 21 century standards people do not have that. Some say they will do this but if there is a benefit to them or in some cases to make you look bad. What people call them in today's standards are "snakes". These people will find a way to back stab you, hurt you, and destroy you. Even with all these snakes roaming around there are some that still stay consistent. Roronoa Zoro is been like that since day one joining the straw hat pirates. He is the living definition of consistency. Always being there to help, learning new techniques, and non stop training. 

Key 8: Commitment 
"No success is possible without commitment. The ability to commit yourself whole heartily is the basis of achieving all success.
"Become totally absorbed in your work. Be totally committed."

Commitment is said to be easy by many but in return they do not stay true to their word and end up leaving.They want feel great and show what a leading figure can do for others that stay commitmented. Everyone loves the feeling of people being looked up to and recognize as a amazing person. Those people that stay are day 1 people because they were their the good times and the bad times. They learn something new to improve themselves and pass the knowledge on. A good example of this is when Gon was determine to defeat his opponent that killed his friend. He trained and work hard to defeat pitou one of the royal guards. He went as far as putting a restriction and covenant to attain unimaginable power. He was committed to his word and stay true to his word and defeat Pitou.    

Key 9: Courage 
"The fear of failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life."

Everyone is afraid of failure at some point in there life and can't help it to always do there best. No one loves or likes to fail but there is a lot to learn from failing than from being always succeeding. Just Gon he does not like to disappoint and he continues to search for his father. His determination to keep getting stronger while not failing at it is something, Even know when he needs to keep winning he knows when to call it quits to learn more from that loss and and try it again. He doesn't have the fear to lose but has the idea how important a failure can be. This is what gives him his fearless attitude and tenacity. This is why he is so successful overcoming every challenge that has been thrown to him.

Key 10: Confidence
"You only get confidence by doing things over and over again."

This statement cannot get any truer than it is already. The confidence here is the truth by doing something over and over again. In life when you do something for the first time you get anxious and do not know what to or it comes natural to you. In any case 90% of the time people will not have the confidence to do something for the first time. It takes time and practice to get over the cloud inside the head deprives the confidence of someone. A man by the name Hisoka has this confidence and executes this perfectly. His whole  life he thinks that he is indeed the strongest and can take anyone down. Shown on how he let a competitor kastro  live for him to fight again after the 2 year defeat. He beats kastro with psychological means and his strength. He said I let my opponents live to reach their potential and kill them to get the best satisfaction from it. Hisoka is made purely of confidence that gives him the edge in everything.



What the ten keys of personal power did is that it help me through achieve some new standards that I have incorporated to myself. One key that I have incorporated recently is confidence and courage. I would not usually have any of these traits to begin with. These traits has made me a better person from doing things that I wouldn't do even if my life or someones else life depended on it. I got to have that determination to keep going forward since time waits for no one. I will strive to become more commitment since I usually lose interest in these type activities pretty fast.  Just like Hisoka, Gon, and Killua I strive to be like them or achieve better.


Friday, January 22, 2016

7 Habits

1.Be Proactive
 "Habit is the key to unlocking all the others habits and that's why it comes first. It says, "I am the captain of my life. I can choose my attitude. I'm responsible for my own happiness or unhappiness. I am in the driver's seat of my destiny, not just a passenger."

2. Begin with the end in mind 
"Control your own destiny or someone else will." (Jack Welch)

The fact that most people let themselves get there minds brain wash by others is sad. They would go do the stupid even though its not right.That is ignorance that gets people killed, arrested, hurt, or even others around them. Then after all that "stuff" they were doing they have the audacity to say we didn't know or I didn't know. This is why you yourself should make the choices to crave the path to what you want to be or achieved. The people that do not begin with the end product are the ones that are usually begin told whatever to do. They will follow through with instructions like trying to get a individual mad, starting something up with someone else for no reason, These are most dangerous people to meet because they will almost anything to keep a path open by someone that has lead them on that path. Always create a destiny that you will be remember for. Don't go out there and have someone else control you!  

"You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life."

-Steve Jobs

3.Put First Things First

"Organize and execute around "priorities"
What is the first that comes to mind when something needs to be done? Usually most people tend to time there activities or schedule it. Most people that I know tend to put there things that they have to do first as one of the last things to do. That is something that is rub off and many more do it like because of the other activities. They put the things that can be taken care of after the importance of  an assignment or work. This something people should not do but keep continue doing which will eventually lead to there suffering and sorrow. In the first place put those things first always and do them first always. These what they call Priorities! Most people have and others well.... strive to get them. In the end all that really matters the work put into and how long it took to finish.

"In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can."
-Nikos Kazantzakis

Habit 4: Think-Think or No Deal

In many situations there is usually a win win or a win lose or a lose lose situations. Its our job to go for the most beneficial one. There is no point on getting a deal that wont help you in anyway shape or form. This is a matter of facts and truth be told some people take lose-lose situations because of the benefits that actually come with it. The fact the people will go as far to lose in return gain something even better is something. This is how the real world works. They always going on about what choices they should make and what values come with it. People need to understand the world wont be waiting for them. They need to get up on there feet and start searching for the best and possible opportunities. No man or woman shall go to life and lead themselves to failure they must reach a win-win situation.


Habit 5: Seek First to understand , then to be Understood
"Diagnose before you prescribe."

Always try to understand what others are going through than yourself the reason is that people always are in need of help. These type of people are the people that are the most sincere. People need to need to understand this that is key. Those that do not understand this concept will never ever be understood. Those that do get it will seek-out more friends and be able to understand one another equally on a level of sensitivity. it just like a doctor when he checks you for symptoms. After that he prescribes the medicine needed to treat your body.  This is what it means to Diagnose before prescribing. Understanding one and another hand to hand experience is key here. Always seek first to understand than to be understood. 

"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek."

-Barack Obama

Habit 6: Synergize
"The whole is greater than the sum of its part(1+1=3)"

 People need to know what a good synergy can do to you and a team member. This can bring out loads of team work and other secrets. This a major to finding the best chemistry. A synergy can help bring out the true power of a double to four v four battle. Just like in the game Mortal kombat Smoke and Noob and perfect candidates for an example of synergy. This Duo works miraculous and is a duo to be on the lookout for. This is also goes to show that nothing can be done alone no matter how much is accomplish you will need some help at some point. Look for the one bond to help build up the chemistry. Once that is done you will be set and just then move from experience there on.  

"I truly believe in positive synergy, that your positive mindset gives you a more hopeful outlook, and belief that you can do something great means you will do something great."

-Russell Wilson

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
Four Dimensions of Self- renewal: Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social/Emotional

What does it mean to sharpen the saw. It means to be prepare and know whats coming to have a easy time. This will give further enhances of how to proceed with the way things are with. It will pass on light and will show what will happen if the saw is sharpen the way its suppose to be. Is suppose only those capable to sharpen anything at will be the one that get through life like it was butter.These principals will always apply with one another Self- renewal: Physical, Mental, Spiritual, Social/Emotional. Those cannot be escaped from. Sharp the saw and the way to you will be a sharp one!

Reflection: Overall this was a helpful guiding light into what humans can do. Humans have the ability to do almost anything. It's just decided in the mind what they capabilities are.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Three Fundamental Techniques in Handling People

Technique 1: Don't Criticize, condemn or complain

"If you want to gather honey, don't kick over the beehive."

The way to start handling people is there and there. to but willing to take it. To have the patience and to be willing to go through it. Don't ever tell them off it will make it worse. Only under special conditions may it happen. Be willing to go far for them and don't be stubborn to them. Acknowledge them a lot. Show that it by actions and as well . This is one way to handle people. Gather all the honey!

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do."
Benjamin Franklin

Technique 2: Give honest and sincere appreciation
"The big secret in dealing with people"

People that give you the appreciation are the people that should be kept closer. Those are the ones that will help you through out your life. Like DJ Khaled says they don't want you win. Those people just cut them off. they are the bad fruit the tree cut them off make the sacrifice. This will help gradually build trust with them and be able to tell them certain things that you wouldn't with others. People will always try to bring you down and those people need to be there for you. The key success is to key is to keep those true friends with you all the time. Always keep a good smile with others. And always be a true person not a snake like today's standards are portrayed.


"Build me a son, O Lord, who will be strong enough to know when he is weak, and brave enough to face himself when he is afraid, one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat, and humble and gentle in victory."
Douglas MacArthur

Technique 3:Arouse in the other person an eager want.
"He who can do this has the whole world with him. He who cannot, walks a lonely walk.

Its true the person that can do is has hands over you. You pretty much go under there spell. There are many people that can achieve this but they have to know the other two techniques first. Try your best to get others arouse in a way that you can help them become a better person and always become a self assessed person. People will never reach this goal truly because everyone has the tip of it handed down but never achieved fully. Make them fell like they need you Make them feel they have to keep you and have that eager sensation. This is the way to becoming a puppet master. its true where you like it or not. You pull the strings of a person that wants to be eager all to be with you or the fact that you need them. 

"What I needed most was to love and to be loved, eager to be caught. Happily I wrapped those painful bonds around me; and sure enough, I would be lashed with the red-hot pokers or jealousy, by suspicions and fear, by burst of anger and quarrels."

-Saint Augustine

Final Reflection
What I think about these three techniques are the fact that I will be able to actually assess myself with these techniques. Its the way how the game is played makes it look how you are as a person. You can be the nicest person on the block but if you cant keep a shady profile everyone will be weary of you. Know how to play and success will come surely to you. Being able to have the Patience to keep up with a person that is always obnoxious is something not many people can do even if they say they can. This will surely get you up in the stages of life quicker than usually. People that are aroused known to come back quicker to you and want more of it.People will always be better at something than you. Its our job to assess our selves and make our self a better individual.

School break days

School Break Days

Something that I did over the break was go to the chill event and visited the Queen Marry that same day. As well during that time I happened to get my work for the break from Mr.Solis. I then went to a field trip to Pasadena with Mr. Solis and got to explore many things. I got to go to the Norton Simon museum where i got to see many forms of arts and got to learn the history form it. My next stop was to go eat at a Chinese Buffet where the food was amazing. I manage to eat than the whole group itself. Then I got to go see the old town of Pasadena where i visited a comic book store and bought some souvenirs for myself. My trip next takes me to the theater where i got to finally see the new star wars movie it was amazing just perfect pacing from where the movie left off and as well to end it off i got to go the place called meregune where there Cuban was simply delicious. The days came by and I was training. I was training myself for the 18 miler I had coming up. When the day came I did excellent expect the ending where I got a cramp on my left butt cheeked. Overall this break was something for me as I usually don't do much during the breaks expect play video games.